Friday, March 20, 2009

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry......

Sorry sorry sorry. I'm so sorry for leaving you all this week. But it is not my fault! My father grounded me for a week on Sunday night. I thought I wasn't going to be allowed to go to the lock-in at my church on Friday (today), and I was very sad. But, after writing my notecards, I presented to him and my mother the exact reasons why I should be allowed to go, and what I will do if I am allowed (ie. cleaning Dad's car, bathroom, bedroom, ect.). Kissing up sucks. But huzzah! My persuasion skills, combined with my father's soft side, have gained me a golden ticket to fun. I am very excited, as Emma and possibly Lauren will be coming, too. It should be fun, unless drama makes it unbearable. I know that Monty is coming, oh joy. For all of you idiots, that was sarcasm. If you were watching me, you would have just witnessed a perfectly executed eye-roll. You know, the one that makes mothers everywhere ground you for a month. Well, my mother anyways.
Latin today was hysterical today. We were discussing Roman religion, like gods and stuff. Mrs. Awesome was explaining how all the gods had affairs, and someone asked if there were any gays/lesbians in ancient Rome, and she said, "Not so much, but in ancient Greece there was. The word lesbian came from the Greek island of Lesbo...." This is when we lost it. We were laughing so hard! Then later, this kid Eddie kept getting up, and Awesome lost it. She was like, "EDDIE!! WHY THE HELL DO YOU KEEP GETTING UP?? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" It was hilarious hearing a teacher say hell. Even Eddie was cracking up.
It's finally spring break!!! I'm so excited. School was great today. I got a 100 on my algebra quiz, the weatther is nice, the lock-in is tonight, I'm leaving for Chicago on fun! Well now I'm going to get ready to leave for church, farewell loves!

1 comment:

  1. megan (the other megan) and jen: i know u r reading this. if u dont start commenting...then i will put monkey brain in your sinks. i know where you live. COM. MENT.
    -the cooler megan (;
