Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Miley Cyrus

I'm home sick today. Ugh. Stomach hurts, head throbs...ick. Ah well. I would like to discuss the controvercial Miss Miley Cyrus. A new picture has been put on the internet. Here is a link:http://celebglitz.com/36456/Miley-Cyrus/miley-cyrus-shirtless-justin-gaston-jogging-photos.aspx.
I mean really, people. She's jogging with her boyfriend in her own neighborhood, it's probably super hot outside, and she's wearing a bikini. What, is Miley not allowed to wear a two-piece? The biggest crime in this situation is Justin's ugly shorts. Why is she judged so harshly? She's just a teenager!! It's the paparazzi that should be ashamed. They are making a teenage girl into some sort of skank. Maybe she made some mistakes, but who hasn't? They certainly wouldn't do that to their own daughters. I'm sick of degrading pictures of youg and old stars, like how "fat" Jessica is getting, how crazy Briney is going, ect. Get a life, paparazzi. Fo real.
Off to watch tv or do homework. Ta ta for now!
P.S. Best movie ever: Pretty in Pink

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