Monday, April 27, 2009


Ok, y'all. Update on the Twilight Ball Outfit. I have marked this a Very Important Topic, so I have already decided which dress to wear. Thanks go to Ronnie, Amanda, Stephen, Margo, Megan, Lauren and my mom for helping. The final decision is...the pink dress!!! I apologize to all you picky color freaks who insist it is coral. I would argue that coral is a shade of pink...kind of like saying tangerine is a shade of orange. Whatevs. I will try to get a pic on here of the dress as well as me in it, but you know how I am with this dang computer. It may never happen hee hee. I picked the coral dress because it is more spring-y than the other, and it is a spring dress. I have also been told that it flatters my skin more, and the blue one looks like something my mom would pick out. Which, I don't necessarily consider that an insult. I mean, my mom can pick out some funky stuff (funky in this case meaning scaryily atrocious), but she leans more toward the fashionable mom side of the scale. Dare I say, she even steps over that line. (Don't ever quote me saying that.)

Tonight is the season finale of Chuck, the greatest show freaking ever!!! I can NOT wait! Ellie marries Awesome, there's a bad-guy shoot-out, and Chuck becomes manly. I find myself falling more and more in love with him with each passing episode, the little nerd. But what can I say, I heart nerds...

Speaking of nerds. Devoghn (if I spelled your name wrong I am terribly sorry; names aren't my thing) zapped me today. At my school, "zapping" is when you write someone's name on the back of their hand, and a time on the front. You can't look at the name until that time. If you do, you have to ask that person to the dance. Well, I wouldn't let him write on my hand, so he stole my folder. He told me the name was on the inside of the folder, but, really, it was on the outside. So I saw it. It was Ellery. Yeah, right. Ellery annoys me. He thinks he's some sort of sexy beast (he put "sexy" on his collage about himself), but, in reality, he is not all that cute. He thinks so much of himself, that his head would probably shrink like three hat sizes by puncturing it, I mean, there's just so much hot air up there. Lol. Needless to say, I will NAWT be asking Mr. Ellery to the dance. Anyways, he has a girlfriend. And I don't want to go with anyone. Also, Ryan would be disappointed (LOL Amanda), nawt that I care...

So how about this weather lately. Fab. U. Lous. This is around the time me and Lauren start living out on the tramp. I'm immproving at my flips, but I'm still no match for my daddy (jk jk jk jk jk etc.).

Well, it's dindin time, so so long, farewell, alfeeterzain, goodbye.....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hilarious Quotes from Nick And Norah's

I will not be a goody bag at your pity party, Nick.

Yeah, I'm a great friend. It's always been like this. I'm the squirein Caroline's never-ending quest for attention.

It was a great night, my hetero heroine.

Drunk Kid: Are you off duty?
Nick: This isn't a cab.
Drunk Kid: Are you off duty?
Nick: I assure you, this isn't a cab, my friend.
(Nick drives a Yugo.)

I love you so much, it's retarded.
-drunk guy in back of yugo

Tris (breaks off the head rest discreety): See look! Even your car misses me! It's faling apart without me!
Nick: Actually you did that.

Caroline: I found Jesus!
Norah: What??
Caroline: Jesus! He's much taller in person...

Caroline: Um... hi. I'm Caroline. What's your name?... You know what, that's okay. You don't have to tell me. It's been like one of those nights, you know? I was with my friend Norah, who you don't know, but you'd really like her because everybody likes Norah and she... left me tonight which is - she never does that and then I was kidnapped. And then, she... usually when I go home with her she... she makes me a turkey sandwich when I get home, but I might never get home, you know? And I'm so tired. [looks down and notices what is in his lap]
Caroline: Is that a turkey sandwich?

Thom: Well we came to Gray's Papaya to get a bite to eat and she must have woke up because the chick has flown the coop.
Nick: Thom, that's not acceptable.

Thom: Search Party, N.Y.C Search Party, N.Y.C Caroline, Where the hell can you be?
Dev: Caroline! Caroline!
Norah: Caroline! Caroline!
Dev: Caroline!
Nick: Guys, we need to be adults right now.

Nick: So what is your favorite song?
Norah: Well my favorite verse was "The way your looking in your sleep, the way your looking when you leap. The strange Illusions that you keep. You don't know that I'm noticing."

Dress Shopping and Sleepover

I'm am so happy right now. Like, Jump around, scream my head off, do cartwheels if I could happy. Guess why. I found TWO amazing dresses for the Twilight Ball!! And I only tried four dresses on!!!! They are absolutely gorgeous and look great on me, if I do say so myself. I'm keeping both, but obvi I can only where one to the dance. One is pink and funky and short, the other is satiny and blue and has col flowers on the top. I think I'm gonna where the blue one to Ron and Amanda's wedding (hey you guys! lol) but I just can't decide for the dress. The deal breaker will be whether or not I can get a tan fast enough, because the pink one makes me look really pale.

After dress shopping with Catrina, Rachel, And Sophie, we all went back to Catrina's house for a sleepover. Until five minutes ago, I forgot what movie we watched. Now I remember: Nick and Norah's Infinate Playlist. Wow, it was so freakin' hilarious. So many great lines. Look above for the funniest. We, of course, stayed up late talking about boys, our dresses, school, the dance, ect. It was so fun. I love you guys! Haha.
Happy Best Weather of the Year,

No commentary needed from me, the lyrics speak for themselves.

Of all the things I've believed in
I just want to get it over with
Tears form behind my eyes
But I do not cry
Counting the days that pass me by

I've been searching deep down in my soul
Words that I'm hearing are starting to get old
It feels like I'm starting all over again
The last three years were just pretend
And I said

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

I still get lost in your eyes
And it seems I can't live a day without you
Closing my eyes and you'll chase my thoughts away
To a place where I'm blinded by the light
But it's not right

And it hurts to want everything and nothing at the same time
I want what's yours and I want what's mine
I want you
But I'm not giving in this time

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one that I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

And when the stars fall
I will lie awake
You're my shooting star

Goodbye to You by Michelle Branch

Monday, April 20, 2009

I am a Glambert!!!!!!

Yes, I admit it freely, I am a Glambert! What, you ask, is a Glambert? Well wonder no longer, you inquisitive mind! A Glambert is the clever term for a fangirl of the one, the only, the makes-you-cry-with-one-note Adam Lambert!!! Yes, I am truly obsessed. Face, beautiful. Outfits, spicy. Falsetto, truly amazing. Black finger nail polish, can't have everything. But still. He is so astonishingly cool. WE ARE...GLAMBERTS! THE MIGHTY MIGHTY GLAMBERTS!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Hola! I just got back from Crossroads, a really big church out in Norwood. It was really cool, and I already know a few people who go there (Jillian, Sophie, Crazy Uncle Ben...). I think we are going to try it again next week. Though I continue to miss good 'ol Lifespring and the familiarity that comes with it, it's been cool seeing how other people learn about Jesus.
p.s. Note to Lifespring Kids: I can't tell you how much I miss seeing you guys every Sunday. I could write a whole blog on it. I hope y'all are doing good, and I will text you as soon as I get a new phone (mine broke;I feel so disconnected lol!!). And yes, Josh, I even miss seeing you (;.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Top 5 Ways to Tell if a Girl Is in to You

Let's take it from the bottom:

5. She's using flirty body language. Examples of FBL include playing with her hair, licking her lips, playing with rings/necklaces, and exposing her neck.

4. She's touching you. If you find her looking for excuses to touch your clothes, arms, shoulders, ect., she may like you. We generally don't do those things without a reason. I mean, I certainly don't go around touching every boy I meet..

3. She freshens up throughout the time you are together. If she goes to the bathroom and comes back with freshly applied lipgloss or fixed hair, she may be trying to look nice for you.

2. She makes extended eye contact. If she holds eye contact for a few seconds and ends with a coy smile, she wants you to come talk to you. We aren't always the best at making the first move, so we replace cheesy pickup lines with eye contact.

1. She's talking to you. For me, this is a big one. If I am taking the time and effort out of my busy life to hang out with you, then there is a reason.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Our Song is Overplayed

Do you all remember some of my earlier posts about Annie, a girl who had a few issues going on in her life? With her permission, I am about to reveal her true identity..after you read this absolutely amazing poem that she wrote based on personal experience. I came up with the name, and we both loved it. So here it goes:

forget his name,

forget his face,

forget his kiss,

and warm embrace,

forget the love,

that once was true,

remember now,

he's chose a new,

forget the times,

you spent together,

remember that

he's gone forever,

forget the times,

they played your song,

remember now,

don't sing along,

forget how close,

you once were,

emember now,

he's chosen her,

forget you memorized,

his walk,

forget the way,

he used too talk,

forget the times,

he made you mad,

remember now,

he's happy not sad,

forget the times

you spent alone,

forget the times,

he used to phone,

forget he made your dreams come true,

remember now,

he's chose a new,

forget the things

you planned to do,

remember now,

she loves him too,

forget the thrills

when he passed by,

forget the way,

he made you cry,

forget the way,

he spoke your name,

remember things,

aren't the same,

forget the way,

he held your hand,

forget the sweet times,

if you can,

forget the times,

that went so fast,

remember now,

it's in the past,

forget he said,

he'd leave you never,

remember now,

he's gone forever

written by Aubrey

Yep, Aubrey is Annie. But more importantly, isn't this poem beautiful? I am so in love with it, especially because it means Aubrey is recovering from Stone. If Stone or anyone who will tell him is reading this, then know that YOU ARE ON MY LIST. If I ever see you again, there will be words said. But anywho, this poem is marvelous, is it not? Brava, Aubs.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Oh My!

It was a very dramatic Sunday at our house yesterday. Firstly, it was our first Sunday away from Lifespring (my church). It was kind of harder than I expected. I think I'm still in denial, because I kept telling myself that we were just checking out a church for my mom's work (she was a Children's Minister at Lifespring and recently quit). If any of you church people are reading this, know that I missed you terribly (yes, even you, Josh ;p). No one will ever replace you guys. We went to the Westside Vineyard, and I must say, it was rather....Vineyard-y. The singer, who was really good, kind of talked like, "Heeeyyyy guyyyss. Wee just wannaa, yaa knooow, lift God upp todaayy." Kind of hippie-ish. Then the preacher kind of yelled. He was an expository preacher (meaning that he picked a parable or chapter and explained it verse by verse), and he was teaching on Luke 16, the parable of The Shrewd Manager. That parable is really hard to understand, and he started off well, but then it kind of blew up. He started yelling, and the theme was "Be Generous" which had nothing to do with the story. Though everyone was very friendly , and I liked the diversity among the church-goers, it wasn't a place I can see my family and I going every Sunday.

Then we got home, and Mom came out on the trampoline with me. This is where the real drama starts. All the sudden, my mom falls over and tells me to go get my dad in a very alarmed voice. So I run inside, and before you know it, he's calling 911. Sirens, flashing lights, stretchers. The whole thing. Turns out she dislocated her knee cap. Now she has to use a brace and crutches (which I love to walk around on). It was really scary, because my mom's really tough, and when she acts hurt, you know she really is. She was way braver than I would have been, I can tell you that. So that is the cause for my "Oh My!".

I'm jazzed, because next Sunday is Easter. Yay yay yay yay! I seriously love Easter. Cool people come over (Megan, Burton family, Bennet family, my uncle, ect.) and my mom makes delish food (HAM, deviled eggs, HAM...). We are going to Westside, so thankfully I will be around people I know. After that, it's back to the church hunting, though. Ughhhh!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bikini Body By Boating Season

Otherwise known as BBBS. To acheive this goal, I am following Seventeen magazine's workout that claims to give you flat abs in 4 weeks. We'll see how that goes. Every two days, I will record the results. I will also be eating healthier (ie. no salty food or pop, more water, and really trying in gym class). Here is the schedule:

On the first week:
On 4 days, do 20 minutes of cardio
Pick 3 out of the 5 ab workouts;do 15-20 reps of each

On the second week:
On 3 days, do 20 minutes of cardio;on 1 day, do 30 minutes
Pick 3 ab workouts;do 20-25 reps of each

On the third week:
On 2 days, do 20 minutes of cardio;on 2 days, do 30 minutes
Pick 3 ab workouts;do 20-25 reps of each

On the fourth and last week:
On 4 days, do 30 minutes of cardio
Pick 4 ab workouts;do 20-25 reps of each

I will be faithfully sticking to this outline. I also have a 45 minute leg workout every day in gym class. My legs are already showing results. I may try to find some good arm excercises as well. This summer, I'm going to be testing a few workouts like this that claim to work in a certain time period. I will journal every day about it, and by the end I will have a book of reviews of workouts. Lauren thinks I won't stick to it, but I'm really going to try. Now I'm off to take a shower and ride my bike.
Peace, love, and chocolate,

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Megan Joy(less)

Megan Joy was kicked off of American Idol last night. Grr. Okay, yes, she had a horrible last two weeks, but she was different! I really liked her. Hopefully she'll get a record deal anyway. Time for mass homework and the library. TTFN.
-Meggie (hee)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Help me!

No lie, I have so many unsolved problems.
1.Algebra-makes me want to bash my head in brother-long story
3.ahnnoying gym class
4.something that I will not share right now-sorry )-*:

I am not even kidding. I've been so stressed lately: school, homework, family, friends, church. Ick. I can not wait for the summer. No school, sleepovers whenever I want, vacay, just time to chill.
Today we got a list of the classes we are taking next year. Someone screwed up and put freaking Beginning Strings on mine!! I signed up for Chorus. Not that I can sing, but I sooo don't have the time to learn an instrument. There wll definately be words between me and my councilor tomarrow. I will no, I repeat WILL NOT take strings next year. I will not, I tell you! Now I have to go study for yet another stress-inducing Algebra test. More like AlGAYbra. That was stupid, but it was the best I could think of. Shut up, no laughing at me. Hehe. I will see you guys..when I see you. Maybe never, for some of you. Hee. So depressing. Farewell.
-Megilicous definition make them boys go loco....haha stop laughing at my lame attempts at humor!