Friday, January 30, 2009

Quadruple Snow Day and the Most Amazing Guy

This is getting ridiculous! I love it, but 4 days?? Whatever, I'm having fun, so they can take their sweet time getting these roads cleared. I'm sure they are trying their best though.
I might go tubing at Perfect North with Lauren today, but I'm not sure...
The most important order of business: a guy. But not just any guy...the coolest, sweetest, most amazing guy I have met for a while. I don't really know who reads this, but if there is someone out ther who likes me, then you better hurry up and tell me, because this guy is truly something special. I won't say any more, because of prying ears (STEPHEN) that I know also have a gaping pie whole attatched to them and wwill use it to blab all of this to everyone, who will most surely mock me. So if you want to know more about this guy, who is going to be given a code name at a later date, then email me or leave a comment and I will email you.
Happy Quadruple Snow Day!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Quiter Alert!

Hey! For the second time, Lauren has quit the blog. It's because of our dear stalkers, Stephen and my dad. Gee, thanks guys! Actually I don't think my dad reads it anymore. Anyways, Lauren has quit so it's just me now. I'm gonna try to b extra exciting now lol but it won't be that different, she never blogged before. I counted how many she actually did, and it was like three, compared to my 27. Kinda pathetic lol. So just wanted to let you know that! Bye bye and have a great snow day!!!
-Megan, the ONLY owner of this blog (-;

Triple Snow Day

Hi y'all! It's the third day of no school and me and Lauren are starting to get bored. We can't think of anything to do but at least we aren't at school. Except Lauren wants to be at school....crazy girl. Speaking of lauren, she has become lame becasue she never blogs. (Actually she isn't lame lol) So I am going to say that if she doesn't blog within the next two days, I am gonna take drastic action. lol! But seriously. If you see her, tell her this.
Can you guys think of anything to do? Any suggestions? If you do then post them! Happy triple snow day!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Like Getting Teeth Pulled..

..literally. Yesterday I had to get two teeth pulled in preperation for my braces. Suprisingly, my mouth isn't big enough to hold all of my teeth. If anyone has told you that it doesn't hurt, they are lying t oyou. Or they had a different experience from mine. Basically, this is what happens:they shoot you with a needle to numb you and also they put some cream in your mouth that makes your tongue feel like cotton. Then, the dentist takes what is really a small pair of pliers, though they probably are called something else, and wiggles your tooth around until you raise your hand because it feels like he is pulling your face off. Then he shoots you with another needle, which nor only pinches, but makes your face feel heavy (i know it's weird but I don't know how else to describe it lol). Then he just continues to yank your tooth off of your face. If you ever say it hurts, well, another needle in the face for you! And I had to get two out! Once they are out, they stick gauze in your mouth which soons become slobbery and bloody. Bloody gauze is one of the most discusting things ever, especially when it's in your mouth. Then I can't really move my face for about 5 hours. It sucks!
Then I was ungrounded for the rest of the day when I got home since my face hurt. But I wanted to clean my room so I wouldn't be grounded the next day, so I called in the reinforcements:Lauren. It probably took around 6-7 hours. I couldn't have done it without her! We cleaned, my whole room, under my bed, in my was awesome! Now my room looks so good. I only have a little laundry left. And I'm ungrounded!!
The snow is crazy! I am loving my double and possibly triple snow day! It is truly a winter wonderland!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Grounded for the White Death

Hey! I'm grounded *tear*. Why, you ask? Well, because my room is a freaking hot mess. So I'm grounded until I clean it, and that may take months....
I'm am hoping and praying that the White Death will come to Cincinnati tonight!!! I really want a snow day. Who doesn't? The biggest estimate in inches that I've heard is 8, and the lowest is 1. I will be so mad if we only get one! I also heard that there will be two rounds of snow, one tonight and one tomarrow night, and that we may get up to two inches of ice. Isn't that crazy?? Two inches of ice would make the streets into an ice rink! That would be so awesome! Tomarrow night we may get some snow thunder. That is when convection causes lightning and thunder during a snow storm. Wild, huh? It sounds really awesome, but I heard it's dangerous, so don't drive in it! I'm so excited. Thunder or no, this is gonna be intersesting. What is the biggest estimate you guys have heard? What's your favorite snow day ectivity? Mine is definately not playing in the's too cold! But I usually I'm dragged outside by Lauren lol. I love to bake cookies, read, play board's also really fun to jump on the trampoline when there's a ton of snow on it, even though it's cold.
There's this guy, let's call him Edwardo, who goes to my school. He's so cute! He's also super funny, smart, athletic, friendly...just an all around hreat guy. The bad thing is that he is in only one of my classes, and in that one class, we sit on opposite sides of class room, so we never get to talk. It sucks! I'm just hoping we get new seats soon haha! In the same class, there's this other cute guy, but I don't like him as much. Then there's this other guy, but I only have seen him in the halls. I don't even know his name lol.
Okay girls, I have a subject for you to comment on:1.what is THE best characteristic a guy can have? 2.what is your favorite and least favorite sport for a guy to play? and 3.what is the most romantic date you could go on?
I'll do mine right after this. I got to go!! Get to commenting!
P.s. me and Lauren will put a link to our dance we made to Circus by Britney Spears when we are done with it. It's totally awesome !

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today we did the front crawl for the first time with combined arms and legs. I am the fastest in the class, but only becasue everyone else is so sucky. Or maybe it's just because I'm a good swimmer...I really wouldn't know. I'm not used to being good in gym hah!
Stephen you are most likely reading this, so I would like to take the opportunity to tell you that you are an idiot. I told you that you would read things you don't want to read if you continue tot stalk me, didn't I?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I have decided that I don't care whether or not anyone reads my blog. It is not my falt if they read things they don't want to read.
I'm so excited for American Idol tonight! I totally can't wait for the new talents and flops that it will bring.
Today I had a dippy sub in Science, so we did this weird code worksheet. Then, gym was super boring, because it is so freaking easy. I got in the beginner group, because I don't know how to do actual strokes. I mean, I can swim, but not, like, the butterfly and stuff. So me and my friend Stephenie were way ahead of the rest of the class, so we were just racing each other back and forth with these stupid kick boards. Then in health we watched this retarded video on cliques. It was so horrible watching something trying so desperately to be cool and modern, and failing miserably. In english, we went to the small theater to listen to our councelor talk about class choices for 8th grade. I think I want to do Geometry AA, which is a 10th grade class, and advanced. But how hard can shapes be? I'm also gonna do Chorus (I pity whoever is around me when I sing haha) and Computer Apps, a typing class. And I found out that most 8th graders have to take gym again! Noooooo! I was devestated. Then off to algebra, which has finally gotten easy.
Barack Obama is officially the leader of the free world. I have mixed feelings about that. I'm really happy that we have elected a black, or mixed, president. His speech was amazing, and I'm gad he is planing to use clean energy resources. But my heart is so sad for all of those unwanted babies who must be sacrificed becasause of Obama's election. For all of you pro-choise people, I will say I used to be one of you. I believed that this is America, and women should have a choice about the operations performed on their bodies. But then I found this verse in the Bible:
"Your frame was not hidden from me when I made you in the secret place."
Psalm 139:15
I already was against abortion, but pro-choice, and this verse made me realize that no one should have the power to end a life that God himseld created. All life is sacred, wanted or not. It is like one barrier, segregation, has been hurdled, but another has been put right back in its place.
I have to go do some homework and take a shower so I can watch American Idol.
P.S. My dad feels the need to lecture me on not puting any embarrassing pictures on the internet, because everyone will find them sooner or later, like this blog. He says I need to learn a "lesson" from this. I think he is confused. He needs to learn the lesson! The lesson is this:don't snoop around on your daughter's personal business, or encourage your friends to do the same, or publicly mock you for it. There's the lesson to be learned from this experience. Or maybe he is right and I do need to learn a lesson:Never trust your dad. Whatever. I'm just going to continue ignoring him.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Thanks guys!

Hi. I am really mad at my dad and stephen, his friend. They are complete idiots. They have been secretly reading our blog. I would just like to thank them, because I know they will read this, for completely ruining the only place I could just talk about whatever. You say you are not pryinging but what do you call this?? I really don't care that you work with computers. That gives you no right to go nosing around in my personal business, which I tried so hard to keep from you. If I wanted you to read it, I would have given you the website. So thanks to you, this blog is going to be totally lame because I can't talk about anything! You ruined thgis for me and Lauren. So thanks, thanks a lot. Oh, and I especially enjoyed you laughing at me. You guys rock!

Parents always have to ruin everything (ok maybe not everything) :'(

hey guys, there is something wrong with our blog. Parents have been secretly reading our blog and we were trying so hard to hid it from parents because we didn't want them to read it. So over the next few days, the posts might disappear or we will be changing them. Sorry about this but hopefully we can make a new one and hid it better(but it doesn't help that megan's dad works with computers lol)
Love ya


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pity Party (lol)

Waz up in the neighborhood? I hope all is well with you guys...'cuz it's not so good over here. It feels like it's just thing after thing...the biggest and worst thing is something about my mom, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell anyone. If you leave a comment I may be able to tell you. It has to do with church. It was hard for me to even be there. Everything I did just made me want to cry. It's even worse because the ministers and old people all know about, so people just kept coming over and saying how how sorry they were for me. I just hate getting sympathy. It is worse knowing that everyone else just makes it more real. I just try to forget about it though and put on a smile. I'll get over it. I hate it when people see me upset, other than my family, and I know talking about it will make me more upset, so I'm really sorry if you ask me and I don't tell you. The more people know, the more permanent it becomes. I'm still holding on to hope that she will change her mind, I guess...
The second thing is that my friend (who I'm calling annie for her privacy) is wrecking her life, and there is nothing I can do about it. I have tried so hard to get her to see what she is doing, but she is...stubborn, I guess. It's really hard for me to watch anyone make mistakes and refuse to be helped. She says she wishes she were dead. She refuses to get help. I'm so scared that everyday might be her last. I really doubt that she would go through with it, but still..she used to be my best friend. She has been going way to far with boys, boys that I think are perverted, sick dirtbag druggies. One of them smokes! I'm just so scared for her. It's like watching someone drive closer and closer to the edge of a cliff, even though she is reading all of the warning signs. The warning signs are stupid and useless to her. She is a wreck. Please pray for her. I'm just praying that God will somehow reach out and turn her around, look her in the eye and make her see that she can not keep on driving toward the cliff.
The third thing is that I am grumpy about these things, and my family has definately noticed. I really do not want to talk about it, so they just think I'm purposefully being annoying. It's so frusterating!
Thank for listening to me vent! It's really not as bad as all that. Do not, I repeat do NOT, pity me. Seriously, I hate that. I'm really fine, I just needed to get it off my chest.
Love you guys,
Evil Strawberry (I'm getting tired of these nicknames so I'm just gonna go by either that or my real name)
p.s. My real name is Megan haha!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Comments (you have to drop them like they are hot lol)

Hey it is evil kiwi i we figured out how to leave comments.
1. first you click the thing under the post that says like 0 or 1 comments.
2. then you type in your comment (make it appropriate please)
3. then when you are finished typing your awesome comment you click where the white box is and then click "Name/ URL" pplease enter your name so that we know who you are and can talk back to you.
4. the anonyomous doesn't work we don't know y but please use the one that has name and url you do not have to put a url you don't need one to make it work.
5. leave alll the comments you want! the more we have the better the blog will be
6. have fun this blog is going to be awesome!!!!!!!!!
thanks kiwi <3 i love this BLOG !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I fixed it so that everyone can leave comments. So get to it! Leave comments like their going out of style!!

American Idol Episode 2

Ryan. Seacrest. Is. Sexy!!! Man, that boy is FINE!! He is funny, HOT, sensitive, and HOT!! I just can't get over the beauty that is Ryan Seacrest. But moving on.
Kansas City, the site of discovery of America's Idol:David Cook, another one of the absolute, no doubt about it, sexiest men is existence! I totally love David Cook, especially his cover of Time of my Life. For a link to some of my fave AI songs that he sings, look at the end of this blog. Talent not equal to, but great none the less, was found in his home town. These lists are really long, but only because I just couldn't exclude most (-8.
The Best:
Casey Carlton
Vaughn Smith (gey, definately. hot vocals, for sure.)
Michael Castro (Jason's brother. His laid back attitude and quiet confidence makes him a front runner.)
Matt Brietzky
Jessica Furney
The "Sisters" (not great singers, but their love was so cute!)
Danny Gofer
Anoop Dasai (Noop Dog is my home skillet!!)
Andrew Lang
Asa Barney
Lil Rounds (wow. just wow.)

Cat-Falling-Off-Empire-State-Building Girl
Brian Hettler
"NOOOOO!!!!" Girl (never ectually heard her sing haha)
Billy Vinson
Vaughn English
Jazz the Spazz (that girl was FREAKY)
Fat Boy (never given a name, but shown multiple times)
Michael Nicewonder (just listen to your mom, dude)

Which one of these unfamiliar names will soon be called household, if any? Who is the next American Idol? I can't wait to uncover some new music!
Give me your feedback on the show! My email is, and my AIM is renesmee6696. Tell me watcha think!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

American Idol

Holla, y'all! I would like to blog about my guiliest guilty pleasure: American Idol!! This season did not disapoint, as I thought it would. There was just as many misfits, wannabes, and drama queens as ever (which, in my opinion, is the whole point of the show).
The Worst:
Crazy-afro-dude (he looked like a poodle)
X-ray ('nuf said)
Weird-giggly-girl-who-sounded-like-she-was-five (heehee!)
Wannabe Rocker (Emphasis on wannabe!)
Guy-who-passed-out (could anyone even understand him??)
Slutty Bikini Girl (I know she got through, but A.she is such a slut and B.she dissed my home girl, Cara and C.She made out with my future husband, Ryan Seacrest!! 3 violations!!!)

The Best:
Rocker Girl (sang Barracuda better than the real deal!! she is def on my top 5 so far)
Oil Rig Guy (uh, HEL-loooo! sexy much?? tough/sensative=irrisistable)
Stevie (i just love her name)
Cara DioGuardie (look below...she needs a whole paragraph)
I love Cara!! She is just the kind of strong girl power this show needs! She is way better than spineless Paula (you have many colors in your voice......??? uhhhh...okaaayyy???) Cara definatley proved she can hold her own against both Simon and the contestants when she had it out with Slutty Bikini Girl (see above). She can sing WAY better than her. Plus, Cara can be firm without being rude. I officially love Cara DioGuardi, especially because she means that there are now two female judges. You go girls! Represent! lol
Anxiously Waiting for Next Show,

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun (omigod that's so cheesy but true hah!)

Hey guys and gals! Me, Evil K, and her sis Kelsey have been home alone this whole weekend. Their parents were in Florida, so we were free like a bird haha!! Last night was awesome. We went to Rib City (DELISH!!), then Steve and Berry's (moment of silence for their going out of business *sob*) and let me tell you, we did major business! I got so much stuff! Then we went to Kroeger's and got Moca Chip (omigod best ice creamever) and then came back to watch Mama Mia. I soo love that movie except Peirce Brosnin Today we chilled, went to Kiwi's volleyball game and came home. I got to go eat wit her, so bye!
Heart you forever (actually that depends on who is reading this lol),

Friday, January 9, 2009

Bride Wars

Waz up?? The BFFs just got back from Bride Wars. It was such a great movie. Girls, go see it!!! Guys, don't. You SO wouldn't understand it. It's all about these two BFFs who love each other forever. It's all relationship-y haha. I'm typing this from Evil K's desk and I'm gonna go watch tv with her! Okay, bye!!!
P.S. JoEllen let's go shopping this weekend, but I don't know if I can yet because Allie hasn't called me yet about when we're going sooo.....
P.S.S Everybody give a holla to JoEllen because her mom made her go to an O.W.L class (our whole lives) and it's basically a sex ed class at their church. I sincerely feel for you, girl!! haha!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

U R Sooo Lucky!

Evil Kiwi and whoever else had a snow day/2 hour delay: YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!!! i get up at 6:15 every morning and drag myseld off to science, latin, swimming, and what ever other tortures they can think up for me, so of course I wouldn't be the one to get a delay. Well, that just figures. Haha I sound bitter I know. Ok I have got to go My little brother needs to write something, so laters!
-the most awesome girl ever besides evil k lol jkjk

During class

So hey guys what up.  it is evil kiwi.  i am just sitting in computer class.
  We have to do the this typing thing and you have to get 40 WPM (words per minute) and i got it so now we have free time.  But the typing program is so stupid you have type words that aren't even words.  they are like sass, aek, fjd; they are retarded.  
teacher is coming (not allowed to be on here) post later when i am at home
love you evil kiwi,
(p.s. i had a two hour i had a 2 hour delay) 

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Snowday (hopefully)

hey guys ,
hey it is evil k!!! am just at the computer hoping ad praying for a snowday lol. So i need every one who see's this on wednesday night you have a flush ! ice cube down the toliet and do a snow dance to go along with it and pray to GOD that we have a snow day. If everyone does it then we might have a snow day. Hey rents are home better go do homework sorry

post later
evi kiwi

Really Starting to get Worried

Okay hey people what's up? Today was really good for me, I don't know why...I've just been making a ton of new friends, have great grades, interesting classes, everything but a boyfriend but who needs one anyways ...just everything is working out. Except for two things. And they are pretty big. One of them is going to change my life, for sure...
Thing 1: Do y'all remember Annie? Well, she is quite literally going loco in the coco. lol That doesn't make sense but you get the point. I heard from a friend that during a class they had together, she literally lost it. She fell over, curled up in a ball, and started crying hystericly, until the teacher took her into the hallway. Then she went to the bathroom with her friend and came back fine. This girl used to be my bestie (that means best friend for all you boys lol), so this is really scaring me. I mean, what if this means today is the day she will kill herself?? I really don't think she would have the nerve to do that, but you never know.
Thing 2: Sorry, I can't tell you this one. It has to do with my mom, but it is a total secret. Don't worry, she's not sick or anything like that. Actually, she is quite happy. But it is really depressing me. Like I said, it will change my life, at least a portion of it. And, as you might know, I really do not like change.
But other than these 2 things, my life is great. Certainly better than Annie's. Plus, I don't have gym until Monday, because Mr.Cloth (Cody's dad for any of you who know him) just lets us talk. Today we got a tour of the locker room. The bathroom smells awful! We can change in the showers, but the guys don't have showers, and Mr.Cloth was like,"The boys would kill for these, ladies. They are such prudes!" All the girls cracked up! It was soo funny!
evil s
p.s. All u college hill girls, where u at, where u at? give a shoutout if ur proud of ur college hill heritage! hopefully im not alone.....(-;

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Hi!! Okay I just found out that Evil Kiwi has decided to rejoin the blog. Should I let her? Lol jk jk! She really has been busy lately so try not to be too hard on her lol. I'm glad she's back!
-Evil S

Hey sorry guys

hey it is evil kiwi, sorry it has been so long that i have posted. i have been busy with school, lit movement, and sports!! umm nothing is new i am now in lit moverment which is a thing at my church were you dance in order to praise god (it is fun and no it isn't stupid) Soo yea sorry this is soo short i don't have as many probs as evil s does
Love ya all
evil kiwi :]


Hey guys! There has been an, uh, adjustment to this blog. Evil Kiwi has informed me that she is over our blog. LAME!! So now it will just be I who posts on this blog. Ah well. 'Tis to be expected. She has a very short attention span.
Yesterday I came late into health because I couldnt find it, just as he (Mr. Ellis a.k.a the fattest lard I have ever seen) was starting to lecture the class on tardiness. It was so embarrassing. Oh well, I never stay embarrasses for long. Life is too short to be embarrassed every time you do something stupid, especcially when you are me. Health is going to be beyond awkward because I am surrounded by guys, except one girl sits next to me. Convo in health:
Fat Lard: "Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to disuss things this semester that will be embarrassing."
Class: half asleep, barely looking up to nod
FL: "Yes we are even goin to discuss the s-word."
Class: couldnt care less
FL: "Do you all know what the s-word is?" (smiling to himself)
All the boys: (suddenly wide awake and alert) "SEX!!"
Omigod it was so freakin hillarious! Typical boys lol. All the girls just rolled their eyes lol.
Today we had to do some freaky health triangle. He asked us questions like "Do you avoid drugs, tobacco, and alchol?" and "Do you have at least one good friend?" Then we had to draw a triangle using our answers to see if it was "balanced". It was so weird. It doesn't help that Ellis has a Southern accent and calls all the guys "son". He is kinda old, so it makes it seem like your grandpa is teaching you about the s-word (lol).
I didn't fail algebra!!!!! I am so happy! School has been going great lately, besides Gym (ew) so I am pretty happy now. See ya!
-Evil Strawberry

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Hey guys! This website won't let you leave comments unless you have your own blog, so here are the options:make your own blog (which is unneccessary) or leave your comments on my AIM (renesmee6696) or at my email ( Thanks!
-Evil Strawberry

Saturday, January 3, 2009

random junk

hey guys! its evil s again..idk where evil kiwi has been lately lol! check out these sweet websites: (there is a pic of caleb on there lol)

ok thats all for now!! good night!!
peace out,
evil s

p.s. here is the alphabet in webdings lol
isn't that weird?? what is the point? no one knows hah!

shoes, sex ed, and suicide (in that order) (-;>

Hi it's Evil S (stands for stawberry lol). Today was awesome!! I got two new pairs of shoes that are totally funky fresh haha! One is orange and one is purple! Then I went to Target and Dick's to get some bathing suits for swimming on Monday. Um, ew. Not only will I have to walk around all day with wet hair, I have it second bell, which is, like, 8:20 in the morning. Yuck. I'm going to fail!! To top it off, I have Health this semester too, fifth bell, which contains PSI (a.k.a. Postponing Sexual Involvment) Who wants/needs that class in the 7th grade?? Well, I could probably think of a few people lol!
Okay something awful happenned last night. I found out that my friend (lets call her "Annie") is suicidal. She even writes suicide notes. This has been going on for about a month now. Annie made me promise not to tell anyone before she told me the secret. Of course, I'm not worried about that, but she will be so mad if I tell anyone that she might never talk to me again, and she doesn't have that many people to really talk to in the first place. Also, who am I going to tell? Annie only told two other people besides me, none of which I am friends with, so I can't talk to them...I am so screwed. And Annie has been making some not-so-great choices lately, so I was already worried about her before this. If anyone has any advice on what to do, pleasepleaseplease post it. The other thing is, I'm not sure how serious this is. Like, what if a professional gets involved, and it turns out that she was just in a bad mood that day and exaggerated a little? But I guess that is better than just finding out one day that she killed!!
Hugs and Kisses,
Evil S and EVil k

Friday, January 2, 2009

Chicken Little

Hey! It's Evil Strawberry. The BFF's just finished watching Chicken Little. I wanted to watch the Shaggy Dog, but noooo, we had to watch a movie about a runty little chicken who has hallucinations and a friend named Raunch, haha! It was better than I expected, and I even laughed some at Raunch(lol). I'm gonna head to bed I think, but just so you know, the times on this thing are whack. It's 11:30, but I'm sure it will say something else. We don't know how to fix it.....
Please comment guys!! We really want to do this blog, but it totes won't work without, ya know, people reading get to commenting! Right now, only two people know about this blog (you know who you are lol) so no pressure lol. Okay I'm gonna hit the sack..see y'all tommarrow! Maybe I will do something fun haha!
Peace Out,
Evil Strawberry

Role Call: Meeting the BFF'S

Hey! It's evil strawberry and evil kiwi!!! This is our first blog so bear with us while we learn the ropes of blogging. We are two BFF's with time on our hands, so your wish is our command. We can make this blog
into watever, so give us ideas. For now, it will just be
about our lives. (we might make up some stuff to keep
you interested (-; ) Give us you feedback and keep in
touch. :]
So about us, we have been BFFS since 2003 and we live right across the street from each other. We do everything together, from movies to baking to boating to just chilling. We know everything about each other. We like to talk about everything, there is no boundary to what we talked about, from wesasel to evilstrawberries to pounding balls with a meat tenderizers (lol yes that is true) We go to different schools and evil strawberry is in 7th and evil kiwi is in 8th grade. That is all we have for now so please feel feel to leave a comment. Over and Out :)(: