Monday, March 30, 2009

Ron and Amanda

Oh yeah, I'm calling you out! I KNOW you read this. Comment or die! Actually, not die. I was exaggerating. It's called hyperbole.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Random Funny Quotes

So I got bored today and looked up funny quotes. While searching through page after page of quotes about the meaning of life, religion, love, ect., I founf a MUCH more entertaining page of quotes from a 4-year-old written by his mother. Here are the best ones:
"Something is wrong with him. Let's give him back to God."-of his baby brother when he won't stop crying

"When I grow up, I want to be a caveman, a scientist, and a guy who works at the donut shop so I can eat donuts."

"No! I just want to be in Barack Obama's family when I grow up!"-when told he can even be the president when he grows up

"I feel SO ALIVE!!"-after trying Nerds for the first time

"When I grow up, I will have a fancy wife named FooFoo and she'll live in my mobile home!"-my personal favorite (I almost fell out of my chair laughing after reading this one)

Movie Quotes:
"How do you know my dimwitted inexperience isn't really a subtle form of manipulation used to lower people's expectations, thereby enhancing my ability maneuver myself within any given situation?" -Scream 2

"Evil will always prevail, because good is dumb." -Spaceballs

"A loser?! Who are you calling a loser? What if I rip off one of your antennas and throw it across the yard, who's the loser then?" -Mulan

"Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts." -Naked Gun 2 1/2

"Who knows where thoughts come from! They just appear!" -Empire Records

"Yeah, I called her up, she gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something, I don't know. I wasn't really listening." -Dumb and Dumber

"The key here is, I think, is to not think of death as an end. But, but think of it more as a very effective way of cutting down on your expenses." -Love and Death

"Do you prefer fashion victim or enseblelly challenged?" -Clueless

(Forrest Gump refering to Apple Computers) "He got me invested in some kinda fruit company." -Forrest Gump

Alrighty y'all, I hope you enjoyed these, because I certainly enjoyed looking for them! Leave a comment about your own favorite quotes, if you want. Now I'm off to find a nice place to read while I watch the rain that I love. Peace, love, and all that junk.

Boy I Say To You by Missing Persons

A lasting impression
Isn't something you can ignore
Having had you once
Makes me only want you more

If I ever had the chance
I guess I wouldn't give it another thought
Something should have been said
And you gave me silence instead

I need to know the way you feel
Is this for real?
Cuz boy I say to you
Don't try to hide
Your feelings inside
Open your eyes
Cuz boy I say to you

Don't you know to speak when you're spoken to?
Won't you let me know what your gonna do?
This is not a game or a fantasy
How could you be so blind when it comes to me?
-Missing Persons

Friday, March 27, 2009

Ella Rose

I just accidentally discovered a beautiful video on youtube. Go to and search "in memory of ella rose". It is amazing, make sure to click on "more info" to read her whole story.

Just Blew in From the Windy City

Chicago is an amazing place. I absolutely love it. In my head, there is an on-going debate about which I like best: Chicago or New York. I know what you're thinking: only crazy people have debates in their head! Well, yes. You may be right.

The first order of business: shopping! And you can't shop in Chicago without spending some time at the Magnificent Mile. "Chicago 's Magnificent Mile is a shopping district of world-renown. Shoppers can enjoy magnificent department stores and boutiques comprising a diverse mix of American and international style. With over 460 retail stores, there is something to offer every style." It lived up to all expectations. There was H and M, Aldo, Forever 21, Louis Vuitton, The Gap, Burberry, The Northface, C. O. Bigelow, Coach, Apple Store, Neiman Marcus, Chanel, Macy's....paradise!! If I was homeless, I could so live outside Neiman Marcus, because inside is my perfect baby: Rosalie, an absolutely gorgeous Valentino. I love it. There's a picture of it on my phone, I'll try to upload it or download it or somehow load it on to the computer. It's beautiful, and yes, I did name it. You would have, too. Don't mock me.
We also went shopping at Loehmann's. I got a super-cute BCBG tank and DKNY shirt, both for a great price.

As you may know, Chicago is full of fun stuff to do, so we didn't shop the whole time. On the first day, we went to the Rainforest Cafe, a cool resteraunt with waterfalls and animals and fish and other rainforesty stuff. That was also our Mag Mile day. On the second day, we had delicious breakfast at the Hyatt Regency, our hotel. The Hyatt was so nice. Every one of the employees was helpful, cheerful, and willing. And the hotel itself was pretty sweet. Then, we headed to the Shedd Aquarium. It was cool, but a ton of school groups were there, so it was really crowded, and they were remodeling the marine animal's exhibits, so we couldn't see them. After the Shedd, we went to get tixs for Mary Poppins. Since it was media night, the people at Hot Tix said we wouldn't be able to get any, but when we went to the theater, they had limited views left. Limited view, phh! The seats were fabulous!!! I couldn't have imagined better seats. They were great, just like the show. Many of the actors were the originals from Broadway, and it showed. They all had great voices, and danced and acted so well. It was the best show I've ever seen. The only downside: I got an awful stomach ache half way through. It was terrible, and carried on until about 3 pm the next day. I barely slept, and we didn't leave the hotel until they made us at 12. Then we went to the Lincoln Park Zoo, and had a good time watching the gorillas. Then we went to go get my hair cut at the Aveda Institute, where Bethany goes to school. Bethany is a cool girl who used to live in my town and church. (To clarify, she didn't actually live in my church, just went to it (-; ) She, of course, cut my hair, quite perfectly I must say. It is, in my humble opinion, the best hair I've ever had. It is short, an angled bob. Some girl at Jahmba Juice even complimented me on it. It was really funny. And I know that it looks pretty good, because her teachers and colleages kept coming over and saying how great it looks. They didn't do that for any one else, because I looked to see if they did. Hee hee. Mary Poppins and my hair were definately the highlights of the trip. Also, Rosalie. I'll never forget her!

Alrighty, well it's time for me to catch up on my reality fix: American Idol. God bless Tivo.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bratty Lies

My little brother is the most selfish, self-obsorbed, uncompromising idiot. I wanted to go to the park, and was nice enough to invite him along. Only one of our bikes is usable, so I was figuring we would both walk. But Griffin (my brother) comes out of our garage on the only bike, and as he is about to pedal away on to the street, I say, "Hey! What am I suppossed to use?" and he tells me to get on the front of the bike. When I refuse, he tells me that he doesn't care. I suggest that I ride the bike on the way back and he rides on the way there, but "No! I'm am not walking either way! First come first served!" This is almost exactly what he says! I tell him that if he wants to be selfish and won't compromise, then I don't want to go with him. Then he rides off, as if he is angry at me. What a brat.

For those of you people that go to a Catholic school or MHE, there has been a miscommunication. I have heard through my bratty brother that there is a rumor among the munchkins at MHE that a certain Hannah made a dance for a boy last year. I happen to know through a direct source that this is not true. Trust me, it is totally the opposite of true. Please let the truth be heard by making sure that everyone knows it isnt true. Griffin heard me talking to Lauren about a girl named Hannah at my church, and automatically assummed I was talking about the Hannah he knows, which why would I be talking about her? Lol. Sorry Hannah!

See y'all around! And comment! How hard is it? I will be angry with those of you that I know read this if you don't. I'm off to the park. Who is my idiot brother to stop me from doing what I want to do?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry......

Sorry sorry sorry. I'm so sorry for leaving you all this week. But it is not my fault! My father grounded me for a week on Sunday night. I thought I wasn't going to be allowed to go to the lock-in at my church on Friday (today), and I was very sad. But, after writing my notecards, I presented to him and my mother the exact reasons why I should be allowed to go, and what I will do if I am allowed (ie. cleaning Dad's car, bathroom, bedroom, ect.). Kissing up sucks. But huzzah! My persuasion skills, combined with my father's soft side, have gained me a golden ticket to fun. I am very excited, as Emma and possibly Lauren will be coming, too. It should be fun, unless drama makes it unbearable. I know that Monty is coming, oh joy. For all of you idiots, that was sarcasm. If you were watching me, you would have just witnessed a perfectly executed eye-roll. You know, the one that makes mothers everywhere ground you for a month. Well, my mother anyways.
Latin today was hysterical today. We were discussing Roman religion, like gods and stuff. Mrs. Awesome was explaining how all the gods had affairs, and someone asked if there were any gays/lesbians in ancient Rome, and she said, "Not so much, but in ancient Greece there was. The word lesbian came from the Greek island of Lesbo...." This is when we lost it. We were laughing so hard! Then later, this kid Eddie kept getting up, and Awesome lost it. She was like, "EDDIE!! WHY THE HELL DO YOU KEEP GETTING UP?? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" It was hilarious hearing a teacher say hell. Even Eddie was cracking up.
It's finally spring break!!! I'm so excited. School was great today. I got a 100 on my algebra quiz, the weatther is nice, the lock-in is tonight, I'm leaving for Chicago on fun! Well now I'm going to get ready to leave for church, farewell loves!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Church News and Music

Yo. So I'm not sure if I told y'all that my mom was quiting her job as a Children's Minister. Well, she is. The church I've been going to my whole life is almost behind me, much to my dismay. And relief. I have mixed feelings. My point is, next week is my last week there. I haven't told any of the kids my age, and I don't really want to. If they are reading this, well now you know. It's not a secret or anything, I just don't want to make it a big deal. Moving on to a new topic.

Next weekend is going to be beast. On Friday, I have a lock-in with my church. I'm inviting Lauren, Emma, and Amanda. On Saturday, we're going to a place with a bunch of inflatable bouncy things, so that will be fun. Lauren might come to that too. And Emma is coming with her fam. Most people from my church are coming, because our church is renting it out. That will be awesome. Then there's Sunday, which is always fun. So basically I'm gonna be on the move the whole weekend.

Favorite Songs:

1. Gives You Hell by All-American Rejects
And you're the fool, I'm just as well, hope it gives you hell. When you hear this song I hope that it will give you hell.

2.White Horse by Taylor Swift
Stupid girl. I should have known, I should have known.

3.Kiss Me Thru the Phone by Soulja Boy
Six, seven, eight, triple nine, eight, two, one, two!

4.Seek Amy by Brittany Spears
Love me, hate me, but can't you see what I see?

5.Untouched by the Veronicas
You still got me to hold you up, up, and I will never let you down.

6.White Houses by Vanessa Carlton
Love or something ignites in my veins. And I hope it never fades.

So there you have it. My favorite of my favorites is either Gives You Hell or White Houses.

Please pray for the Huff family. They go to my church, and lost a son this Wednesday. They're going through some rough times, so please include them in your prayers. Thank you, loves. Just so you know, loves is my new word, so NO ONE STEAL IT!! Haha. That happens to me all the time. I'll start saying a word, and then everyone does, and it's no longer special. Lol. Anyway. Off to do laundry. Can you believe I have to do my own?? Isn't there, like, child labor laws or something?? Whatever. There's always 241-KIDS. Haha. I think my parents would die laughing if the police came to our house cuz I called them. Then once they recovered, I would be grounded for life. Alright. Farewell.
Bye bye,

Monday, March 9, 2009

Dancing With the Stars and The City

Dancing With the Stars premeires tonight!!!!!!!!!!! Y'al better be watching/DVRing it. I'm SO SO SO SO SO SO pumped to see Shawn Johnson. She is amazing, and I think she will go far. Did you hear about Nancy O'Dell and Jewel getting hurt and not competing? Well guess who took one of their places?? Freakin' Melissa from The Batchelor. My message to Melissa: Hey, real sorry about that crackghead breaking your heart on national television, but YOU ARE NOT FAMOUS. You are just some poor, rejected girl who got a lot of publicity. So if she's not a slammin dancer, then that will be really annoying. They were ahbviously having trouble finding b-listers with enough time to compete on a dancing show. Ah well. DWTS still rocks. We shall see. But now it's homework time. *Sigh* Oh wait!!! Don't go away! You there! Don't click the little red box with an x in it! Not before I tell you about my latest obsession: The City. It's an amazing show on MTV, a spin-off from The Hills. Yes, I knw what you're thinking: "Ew. Never in a million..." Don't say years! You need to give this show a chance. Ahmazing characters combined with SMOKIN hot guys equals The Best Show Ever. Here is my review of the characters:
Whitney-she is the only one from The Hills. She came to NYC to start a job. While she may be bland at times, she is an amazing girl. Stylish, caring, and independant all describe her. Super cool.

Erin-Whit's bff. Girl-next-door vibe. Down to earth. Personable. Super fun and great listener.

Olivia-AHnoying. Can't stand her. She tries to seem so experienced, but the truth is, she is sheltered. Drama queen. Bad listener. Tries to act like she is better than everyone else and their problems. Really pretty, in a mean girl way. I think she is trying to steal Jay from Whit. Seems like a back-stabber.

Jay-very very very very cute. Rugged, great singer. Annoying at times because he's afraid of commitment, and won't say his feelings. He trusts Adam, his BFF. Cute accent.

Adam-player in the extreme. Awful lyer. Not that cute, but full of himself. Don't like him.

Allie-Adam's girlfriend. Too gullible when Adam lied to her about cheating on her. Very nice, funny, pretty, and NOT TOO SKINNY, like the girl told her. She has thick skin and great self-esteem. Helpful and trustworthy.

Those are the main characters, but not all. I recomend this show if you like drama that isn't your own, cute boys, fashion, and New York City. 9 out of 10. LOVE.
Peace Out,

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Anthem by Superchick

Here's to the ones who don't give up
This is your anthem, get your hands up
We are fire inside, we are lipstick and cleats
We are not going home, we are playing for keeps
We are girls with skinned knees, we are concrete and grace
We are not what you think, you can't keep us in our place

Here's to the girls on their board with bruises and scars
Here's to the girls whos fingers bleed from playin' guitar
Here's to anyone who never quit when things got hard
You'll never never let them say you'll never get that far

We are fire inside, we are an army asleep
We are a people awakening to follow their dreams
We don't have time for your games
We have our own goals to score
There are trophies to win instead of being one of yours

Black Mirror

Black Mirror is a book that I have recently read. It was extremely depressing. I cried a bit. It's about this girl who hates herself, and her only friend is her brother. Then they start going to this school on a scholarship. Then the brother becomes a phycotic druggie, and his girlfriend kills him, and she gets her heartbroken from a 25 year old man who she thought was in highschhol, because he was undercover...yes, very confusing. Like I said, it was really sad. I recomend it, but only for a day when you aren't already depressed, because then you will drown in tears, and, depending on who you are, I wouldn't want you to die. Just kidding, I don't really want anyone to die. That's a bit extreme. Sorry for this majorly confusing post, but I'm not thinking straight. I had an awful day at my church. There's just so much drama, and I'm sick of it. I want things to go back to the way they were before my's a long story, filled with lies, hurt, and...I sound bitter. Again, I'm having a BNB day (Bad News Bears). Thanks to MG for letting me modify her phrase. Without her consent. Please don't sue! I just blew all my money on new makeup from Victoria's Secret!! Ha. I only have enough happiness for one ha. Though I had a great time shopping last night with Lauren. We went dress shopping for her graduation. It was fun. But to those preps who were hatin' on her shirt, we didn't like your..uh..shorts! So there! Long story. Anyways. Y'all should head on over to It's a blog from a hilarious girl. She's very entertaining.

Moving on to a slightly more cheerful topic, I played with my doggie today!! She was so good. She almost has the hang of fetch now. For all of you who don't know, she is 8. Kind of sad, after 8 years she just now gets how to catch a stick/ball. Samara (pronounced suh-mare-uh) was so silly/cute (sute?) rolling around on the ground. She is laying next to me right now, actually.
Ah-dorable dog.

So how about this weather? Fab, isn't it? I've been outside so much, jumping on the tramp. I've almost got the hang of landing on my feet after doing a knee flip, which I've been practicing a lot. I soooo can't wait for wakeboarding season. We're almost there!! I'm totally pumped. I can't wait to FINALLY get behind the boat, jamin' to "1 2 Step". Here's a sample of this groovy song, as if you didn't already know:
This beat is
Funky fresh
Work my body
So melodic
This beat goes right through my chest
Everybody ma and pappi
Came to party
Grab somebody
Work your body, work your body
Let me see you 1 2 step!

This beat is
So contagious
Make you crave it
Jazze made it!
So retarded
Top charted
Ever since the day it started
Strut my stuff
And yes, I flaunt it
Goodies make the boys jump on it

So I'll shake it like jello
Make the boys say hello
Cuz' they know I'm rockin' the beat
I know you heard about a lot of great MC's
But they got nothin' on me
Cuz' I'm 5 foot 2
I wanna dance with you
And I'm sophisticated fun
I eat filet mignon
And I'm nice and young
Best believe I'm number one!

I've completely memorized that song. Every time I hear it, I think of wakeboarding. Other good bordin' songs include: Miss Murder, Sabatoge, She's Crafty, Girls, Brass Monkey, The Rock Show, All the Small Things, Just What I Needed, Friday I'm In Love, Vindicated, You Spin Me Round (Like a Record), American Boy, Do You Know (omg mental image of Stephen standing on the deck of our boat hahahahah), Dance Dance, Pre-ex-girlfriend, Riot Girl, The One Thing I Have Left, Love Stinks, American Woman, Sweetness, I Kissed a Girl, Since U Been Gone, When You Were Young, Four Minutes, If I Never See Your Face Again, Chapped Lips Chapped Lips and Things Like Chemistry, Jump, Friends Don't Let Friends Dial Drunk, When I Grow Up, Hate (I Really Don't Like You), Be My Escape, Buzzin, All Star, Wonderboy, In Too Deep, Anthem, Miracle Drug, Are You Gonna Be My Girl, She Will Be Loved
Sorry that was a really long list. Now I'm going to go watch The City. Peace!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

American Idol (Sorry I'm Late on Posting This)

This was my take of this week's American Idol.
I will be rating each singer in five categories: Performance (voice and attitude), Song Choice, Personality, Outfit (includes hair and make-up), and the Judges (what the judges thought). They will all be abbreiviated.

Von Smith sang "Your All I Need to Get By"
Performance-7.5--pitchy at times
Song Choice-5.8--I really wish he would have done a Broadwayish song that showed his range
Personality-9--he's so amazing but he lost something by picking serious songs
Outfit-4--god-awful. As the judges said, very Clay Aiken. Drab sit with boring red t-shirt.
Judges-9--they loved him but they said he needed to stop picking boring songs. Reminded Simon of Clay (I don't think he took it as a compliment.)

Taylor Vaifauna sang "If I Ain't Got You"
Performance-6--eh. Very kereoke.
Song Choice-6--bland
Outfit-8.5--smokin' hot leggins, but didn't like the makeup and the necklace was just too much
Judges-5.5 to 6

Alex Wagner sang "I Guess That's Why They Call it the Blues"
Performance-9--i liked the rough voice
Song Choice-9--showed new side of Alex
Personality-10--i ADORE Alex because he is geeky, and funny and comfortable with himself
Outfit-6.5 to 7--too much black
Judges-7--they thought it was fun to watch (I cracked up when he knocked over the mike), but Simon compared him to a hamster trying to be a tiger (also cracked up at this)

Arianna Afsar sang "The Winner Takes It All"
Performance-8--pitchy at times, but overall nice control. I enjoyed her quiet confidence.
Song Choice-9.5--I love Mamma Mia
Personality-8--she seemed annoying but then I realized she is just cheerful, and it was really funny when she said "I don't want to be put through just because I look like a button!"
Outfit-6--hated the dress, but beautiful makeup

Ju'not Joyner sang "Hey There Delilah"
Performance-6 or 7
Song Choice-5--genaric. Plus, I'm still bitter about Jamar not getting on, and he did a way better remix of the same song.
Outfit-4--looked like a hood rat
Judges-9--why they loved him, I will never know

Kristen sang "Give Me One Reason"
Performance-9--FABULOUS voice, but made weird facial expressions
Song Choice-10--showcased voice perfectly
Personality-6--I don't like her. She seems like she's having an identity crisis.
Outfit-8--loved the dress, but hated the flowers on shoulders and despised the hair
Judges-6--still confused, as am I, about who she really is

Nethanial Marshal sang "I'de Do Anything For Love"
Performance-7--did the best he could with the song
Song Choice-5--bleh
Personality-8-veeerryy interesting
Outfit-3--atrocious. Hairband + tatoo on neck= EEEWWW
Judges-6--think he is fun. It was so funny when he went over to "meet" Simon.

Felicia Barton sang "No One"
Performance-8.5 to 9--rockerish. Just great.
Song Choice-9--relevant
Personality-9--so cheerful!!
Outfit-8--great hair/makeup. She demonstrated the right way to wear black. (Taking notes, Ju'not?)
Judges-I forgot to write it down when I was watching. My apologies.

Scott sang "Mandolin Rain"
Performance-7--not the best voice, but has definite stage presence
Song Choice-7--suited his voice
Personality-10--he is a beautiful person
Outfit-8--loved the jeans
Judges-7 to 8.9

Kendal Beard sang "This One's For the Girls"
Performance-7--nasal but from the heart
Song Choice-10!!!!--one of my favorites
Personality-10--makes me want to smile
Outfit-10--every aspect was completely perfect
Judges-7 to 8--they loved her

Jorge Nunez sang "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me"
Song choice-6--boring
Judges-8 to 9--they loved him for some reason

Lil Rounds sang "Be Without You"
Song Choice-10--took the suggestions of the judges
Personality-10--beautiful inside and out
Outfit-8--great hair/makeup, didn't like necklace, and the dress was ok
Judges-10--said she was the best this season

As expected, Megan Corkery and Anoop got through in the wild card round. Jasmine was the surprise, because she didn't make that big of an impression on me. She's got chops though. Well, it's time to go now. More later!
-Evil Strawberry (lol)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Hung up the phone tonight
Something happened for the first time
Deep inside
Was a rush
What a rush
Cuz the possibility
That you could ever feel the same way
About me
Just too much
Just too much
Why do I keep running from the truth?
All I ever thnk about is you
Got me hypnotized
So mesmerized
And I just got to know
Do you ever think
When your all alone
All that we could be
Where this thing could go?
Am I crazy or fallin' in love?
Is it real or just another crush?
Do you catch your breath
When I look at you?
Are you holdin' back
Like the way you do?
Cuz I try and try to walk away
But I know this crush ain't goin' away
Has it ever crossed your mind?
When we're hangin', spendin' time, girl?
Are we just friends?
Is there more?
Is there more?
See, it's a chance we've got to take
And I believe
That we can make this into
Somethin' that will last
Last forever

Miley Cyrus

I'm home sick today. Ugh. Stomach hurts, head throbs...ick. Ah well. I would like to discuss the controvercial Miss Miley Cyrus. A new picture has been put on the internet. Here is a link:
I mean really, people. She's jogging with her boyfriend in her own neighborhood, it's probably super hot outside, and she's wearing a bikini. What, is Miley not allowed to wear a two-piece? The biggest crime in this situation is Justin's ugly shorts. Why is she judged so harshly? She's just a teenager!! It's the paparazzi that should be ashamed. They are making a teenage girl into some sort of skank. Maybe she made some mistakes, but who hasn't? They certainly wouldn't do that to their own daughters. I'm sick of degrading pictures of youg and old stars, like how "fat" Jessica is getting, how crazy Briney is going, ect. Get a life, paparazzi. Fo real.
Off to watch tv or do homework. Ta ta for now!
P.S. Best movie ever: Pretty in Pink

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Church Today

Yo. Church today was super...something. I don't know. Monty, a person that goes to my church, is pretty much obsessed with getting me together with someone. He (he being Monty) was being totally obnoxious. He kept leaving with Flabby (hehe), my friend, so that this person and I could "talk". And this was suppossed to "help". I have no problem with talking, as you all know, but it was just a weird situation. Then I got mad at Monty over text, and he called me stupid, idiotic, ignorant, ect. Then I told him to stop texting me, but he didn't, so I threatened to get him in trouble for harassing me. He stopped bothering me, needless to say. I just hope he won't start up again. The last thing I need is his twisted version of help. My little brother has more sense in the matchmaking section than he does!! Really in all sections, now that I think about it...and to all of you (Megan *cough* Mother *cough*) who have accussed me of liking Monty, I hope you FINALLY get the point that I DO NOT. I can't stand another second of him. It's not like this is the first time he's ever been a total jerk. He through my Coach across the room, told me he hates me, and even told my mother on me, just to name a few. Ah well. Below are some very inspirational lyrics:
Let it go
Let it roll right off your shoulders
Don't you know? That the hardest part is over?
Let it in
Let your clarity define you
In the end
You will only just remember how it feels
Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders
These twists and turns of fate
Time falls away
But these small hours
These small hours still remain

That was "Little wonders", of course. I love that song.

I have a fun challenge. Write a letter to somebody! I'm writing a really long one to Allie. I love it! So do it! Do it now! Hehe