Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Bachelorette (SPOILERS)

NO WAY. I really thought that she would pick Kipton! He was so perfect. SO perfect. Instead she picked Ed, who I also love, but....Kipton. She broke his poor heart. But then again, Ed was so in love with her...I'm conflicted. Also, I felt so bad for Reid, who "pulled millions of strings" to come back, tell her Jill he loved her, propose, and....get rejected. It was so sad. On the plus side: Kip is pack on the market! Woot woot! I just can't wait for the After the Rose Ceremony tonight, there is sure to be drama.

School starts on the 11th, but I still have one last vacation. I'm leaving on the 1st for Norris Lake to wakeboard and relax. *sigh* I can't wait.

You Know You Love Me,

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


MY MOM. Enough said.

To The Blogging World

Let me begin by reassuring you that no, I have not dropped off of the face of the earth. Just the face of blog world. I wish I could say that I have been busy, but I haven't, not really. I was at camp for a week, but that is no excuse.

The only thing I have to say in defense of myself is this: I like to blog as my escape from every day life. When I have nothing to do all day, there's not really much to take a break from. So starting August 12, which is when I go back to school, I will blog a lot more.

I saw Harry Potter 6 (SPOILERS AHEAD). I was extremely disappointed. It did not contain many of my favorite elements of the book, like the battle at the end, Kreacher, the conflict between Mrs. Weasley and Fleur, memories from Tom Riddle's past, Dumbledore using his second in which he could have defended himself to stun Harry.....there was hardly any mention of horcruxes until the end! It's saving grace was that it was funny. I thought it was by far the funniest Harry Potter movie so far, especially when Ron drank the love potion and Harry drank the Felix Felicis.

If you're a Potter fan, then of course you should see it just to say you did. But don't expect much, go in knowing that it won't meet your expectations. But again, it was very funny.

You Know You Love Me,

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


This is all I'm in the mood to do.

1. Never act different around her when your friends are there (ie. don't act "cool" and distant).
2. Hug her from behind around the waste.
3. Tell her she's beautiful.
4. Chivalry is not dead! Open doors, pull out chairs, pay for dinner and the like.
5. If it seems like somethings wrong, ask her. If she denies it, then she doesn't want to talk about it! Just hug her.
6. Kiss her in front of other girls that you know.

Monday, July 6, 2009

"Girl Power"

Everyone always talks about "girl power". But what is it really?

I think it's stupid. Because it's just another way to say girls are better than boys. And how is that worse than boys thinking they're better than girls? Oh wait. It's not.

It's not about girl power. It's about being who you really are, boy or girl. One of my favorite songs explains this really well, I think. It's called Anthem, by Superchick. Here's some of the lyrics. I think they really show how you can be yourself, not in the categories of "tomboy" and "prep".

Here's to the ones who don't give up
This is your anthem
Get your hands up
We ar efire inside
We are lipstick and cleats
We are not going home
We are playing for keeps
We are girls with skinned knees
We are concrete and grace
We are not what you think
Can't keep us in our place
Here's to the girls on their boards with bruises and scars
Here's to the girls who's fingers bleed from playing guitar
Here' to anyone who never quit
When things got hard
You'll never let them say
You'll never get that far

This is all I'm writing today because I'm just not very happy right now. So I hope everyone is having a better week than me!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I'm baaack!!!

Hey y'all!! I'm finally back from Cumberland with Lauren. It's really pretty down there. It was relaxing for the most part.

I'm so pumped for our 4th of July party! I seriously can't wait.

Time for Potato's favorite feature: TAGW!

1. Hug her for no reason. Even better if you had just had a fight.
2. Take pictures of you two together at random times, like at those booths at the mall.
3. When she says that she loves you more, deny it. Keep denying until she gets tired of it.
4. When her friends say they love her more than you, deny it. Keep denying. Hold her tight so she can't go over to her friends. She might act like she hates it, but it makes her feel loved.
5. Pull her on to your lap.

I love you guys! Have a F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S Friday and 4th of July.