Monday, July 6, 2009

"Girl Power"

Everyone always talks about "girl power". But what is it really?

I think it's stupid. Because it's just another way to say girls are better than boys. And how is that worse than boys thinking they're better than girls? Oh wait. It's not.

It's not about girl power. It's about being who you really are, boy or girl. One of my favorite songs explains this really well, I think. It's called Anthem, by Superchick. Here's some of the lyrics. I think they really show how you can be yourself, not in the categories of "tomboy" and "prep".

Here's to the ones who don't give up
This is your anthem
Get your hands up
We ar efire inside
We are lipstick and cleats
We are not going home
We are playing for keeps
We are girls with skinned knees
We are concrete and grace
We are not what you think
Can't keep us in our place
Here's to the girls on their boards with bruises and scars
Here's to the girls who's fingers bleed from playing guitar
Here' to anyone who never quit
When things got hard
You'll never let them say
You'll never get that far

This is all I'm writing today because I'm just not very happy right now. So I hope everyone is having a better week than me!

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