Wednesday, July 22, 2009

To The Blogging World

Let me begin by reassuring you that no, I have not dropped off of the face of the earth. Just the face of blog world. I wish I could say that I have been busy, but I haven't, not really. I was at camp for a week, but that is no excuse.

The only thing I have to say in defense of myself is this: I like to blog as my escape from every day life. When I have nothing to do all day, there's not really much to take a break from. So starting August 12, which is when I go back to school, I will blog a lot more.

I saw Harry Potter 6 (SPOILERS AHEAD). I was extremely disappointed. It did not contain many of my favorite elements of the book, like the battle at the end, Kreacher, the conflict between Mrs. Weasley and Fleur, memories from Tom Riddle's past, Dumbledore using his second in which he could have defended himself to stun Harry.....there was hardly any mention of horcruxes until the end! It's saving grace was that it was funny. I thought it was by far the funniest Harry Potter movie so far, especially when Ron drank the love potion and Harry drank the Felix Felicis.

If you're a Potter fan, then of course you should see it just to say you did. But don't expect much, go in knowing that it won't meet your expectations. But again, it was very funny.

You Know You Love Me,

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