Friday, August 28, 2009

A Few Changes....

to pretty up my bloggiddy blog. And, also, if you will note the new and improved title. It is, if I do say so myself, completely fitting and amazingly perfect in every way.

A faux pas is a violation of accepted social rules (for example, standard customs or ettiquette rules). The word comes originally from French, and literally means "false step".

This definition is everything that I feel Christians are called to be. We are called to be set apart. We are to be "in the world, but not of the world." We are to break down the walls and confinements of every-day life, and to rise above the petty frivolities of this place, because we are the treasured children of the Most High God. Jesus was a faux pas in everything he did; so we should be too.

This blog will be taking a new direction. It will be less of my daily routine, and more of my observations, ideas, and truths that we are all surrounded by.

I love you all!

Yours most sincerely,


Monday, August 24, 2009

Intersting Experiences

In the past few day, I have:

1. Been called multiple times by a creepy old man who called me babe and hon.

2. Been talked to by a creepy drunk old man at a festival (he asked me if I was drinking, and when I told him I was only thirteen he goes "Oh you look older. Who are you here with?" Like no I don't! I'm short!)

3. Listened to this one kid my age tell me, "I smoke weed, but it's okay, because you can't die from weed." Yea, because who cares about your teeth rotting out of your head, learning problems, loss of motor coordination and increased risk of cancer? Pshaw.

4. Met a 7th grader named Austin who wanted me to ride in his pumpkin. (It's a ride. I told him that that sounded really disgusting.)

5. Read Eclipse for the billionth time.

So yes. My life is litterd with creepy old men sightings and creepy young men sightings. I'm starting to think that's the only type of men there is.

Favorite Songs of the Moment:
1. Break Even by The Script
2. Love Drunk by Boys Like Girls
3. Good girls Go Bad by Cobra Starship
4. Hey Stephen by Taylor Swift
5. Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus

Songs I'm Ready To Kick Out the Door And Never See Again
1. Boom Boom Pow by The Black Eyed Peas
2. I Got a Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas
3. Poker Face by Lady Gaga
4. Use Sombody by Kings of Leon (I have loathed this song from the beginning, and I am in shock that anyone likes it at all. I must conclude that the general population have been brainwashed into thinking that things like Kings of Leon and The Black Eyed Peas are actually entertaining.)