Monday, March 23, 2009

Bratty Lies

My little brother is the most selfish, self-obsorbed, uncompromising idiot. I wanted to go to the park, and was nice enough to invite him along. Only one of our bikes is usable, so I was figuring we would both walk. But Griffin (my brother) comes out of our garage on the only bike, and as he is about to pedal away on to the street, I say, "Hey! What am I suppossed to use?" and he tells me to get on the front of the bike. When I refuse, he tells me that he doesn't care. I suggest that I ride the bike on the way back and he rides on the way there, but "No! I'm am not walking either way! First come first served!" This is almost exactly what he says! I tell him that if he wants to be selfish and won't compromise, then I don't want to go with him. Then he rides off, as if he is angry at me. What a brat.

For those of you people that go to a Catholic school or MHE, there has been a miscommunication. I have heard through my bratty brother that there is a rumor among the munchkins at MHE that a certain Hannah made a dance for a boy last year. I happen to know through a direct source that this is not true. Trust me, it is totally the opposite of true. Please let the truth be heard by making sure that everyone knows it isnt true. Griffin heard me talking to Lauren about a girl named Hannah at my church, and automatically assummed I was talking about the Hannah he knows, which why would I be talking about her? Lol. Sorry Hannah!

See y'all around! And comment! How hard is it? I will be angry with those of you that I know read this if you don't. I'm off to the park. Who is my idiot brother to stop me from doing what I want to do?

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