Sunday, March 15, 2009

Church News and Music

Yo. So I'm not sure if I told y'all that my mom was quiting her job as a Children's Minister. Well, she is. The church I've been going to my whole life is almost behind me, much to my dismay. And relief. I have mixed feelings. My point is, next week is my last week there. I haven't told any of the kids my age, and I don't really want to. If they are reading this, well now you know. It's not a secret or anything, I just don't want to make it a big deal. Moving on to a new topic.

Next weekend is going to be beast. On Friday, I have a lock-in with my church. I'm inviting Lauren, Emma, and Amanda. On Saturday, we're going to a place with a bunch of inflatable bouncy things, so that will be fun. Lauren might come to that too. And Emma is coming with her fam. Most people from my church are coming, because our church is renting it out. That will be awesome. Then there's Sunday, which is always fun. So basically I'm gonna be on the move the whole weekend.

Favorite Songs:

1. Gives You Hell by All-American Rejects
And you're the fool, I'm just as well, hope it gives you hell. When you hear this song I hope that it will give you hell.

2.White Horse by Taylor Swift
Stupid girl. I should have known, I should have known.

3.Kiss Me Thru the Phone by Soulja Boy
Six, seven, eight, triple nine, eight, two, one, two!

4.Seek Amy by Brittany Spears
Love me, hate me, but can't you see what I see?

5.Untouched by the Veronicas
You still got me to hold you up, up, and I will never let you down.

6.White Houses by Vanessa Carlton
Love or something ignites in my veins. And I hope it never fades.

So there you have it. My favorite of my favorites is either Gives You Hell or White Houses.

Please pray for the Huff family. They go to my church, and lost a son this Wednesday. They're going through some rough times, so please include them in your prayers. Thank you, loves. Just so you know, loves is my new word, so NO ONE STEAL IT!! Haha. That happens to me all the time. I'll start saying a word, and then everyone does, and it's no longer special. Lol. Anyway. Off to do laundry. Can you believe I have to do my own?? Isn't there, like, child labor laws or something?? Whatever. There's always 241-KIDS. Haha. I think my parents would die laughing if the police came to our house cuz I called them. Then once they recovered, I would be grounded for life. Alright. Farewell.
Bye bye,

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